NO ONE CAN HIDE IN THIS COLOSSAL ENCYCLOPEDIA! From Eren and the rest of the 104th to nameless citizens within the Walls and even the people beyond, this definitive guide illuminates over 200 characters and includes: Main characters’ birth dates, heights, beloved catchphrasesAn explanation behind the Nine Titans and their powersA guide to the characters who live outside the WallsA long interview with Hajime Isayama, where he reveals the inspiration behind his characters…And much, much more!
NO ONE CAN HIDE IN THIS COLOSSAL ENCYCLOPEDIA! From Eren and the rest of the 104th to nameless citizens within the Walls and even the people beyond, this definitive guide illuminates over 200 characters and includes: Main characters’ birth dates, heights, beloved catchphrasesAn explanation behind the Nine Titans and their powersA guide to the characters who live outside the WallsA long interview with Hajime Isayama, where he reveals the inspiration behind his characters…And much, much more!