Lucis Academy, the prestigious educational institution in Loel kingdom, is home to two geniuses - the all-rounder, talented Camilla Cecil, and the star of Loel's art scene, Ian Bernat. The two admired geniuses are engaged to each other, but famous for hating each other so much that everyone knows. They made a pact to avoid contact with the royal family, but they end up fighting every time they meet. However, deep down, despite their apparent hatred for each other, they secretly care about each other...?!
Lucis Academy, the prestigious educational institution in Loel kingdom, is home to two geniuses - the all-rounder, talented Camilla Cecil, and the star of Loel's art scene, Ian Bernat. The two admired geniuses are engaged to each other, but famous for hating each other so much that everyone knows. They made a pact to avoid contact with the royal family, but they end up fighting every time they meet. However, deep down, despite their apparent hatred for each other, they secretly care about each other...?!