The Tenth Prism [Full Color] (English Edition) Volume 2

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Note:This book is written in full color.The mysterious Land of Guu has been steadily increasing its power inthe world. Following a skillful ploy by his servant Yui, PrinceTsunashi of the now-extinct Kingdom of Karan has unleashed the powerof the legendary “Eye of Gold”. Two years after the incident, Tsunashibrings down a robot soldier sent by the Land of Guu, with the helpfrom a deserter of the land, APPUN. After a brief moment of relief,they are faced by Guu's most powerful female warrior, NIKI. Herobsessive attempts to assassinate Tsunashi lead her to sneaking up onKOTOKYU, one of the elders of Karan. To save Kotokyu from the hands ofNiki, Tsunashi rushes to Karan. Much to his regret, he discovers atruth that makes things worse...Volume two of Masahito Soda's magnum opus fantasy epic is more packed than ever!From bestselling author Masahito Soda, the mastermind behind“Firefighter! Daigo of Fire Company” (8.3 million copies sold) - andkart racing manga “capeta” (6 million) - comes THE TENTH PRISM. Soda'snew epic fantasy marks his entry into the genre and is certain to beyet another masterstroke for this author.
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Total 12 Volumes|Completed

Title Information

Series:The Tenth Prism [Full Color] (English Edition) Series
Distribution Date:May 31, 2024
Publication Date: