Anybody with money can buy real estate!In front of Zaizen Takashi, the arch nemesis Fujita Shinji reappeared and the second of the three investment competition started! This time, their battle is about “real estate investment”! With a starting capital of fifty million yen, they must purchase one property in the city of Tokyo within a day! The investing genius Tsukahara Tamenosuke will be the judge of their battle. Who could become the connoisseur and find a high valued, potentially profitable property? Sparks flying battle in the giant metropolis begins in volume 14!
Anybody with money can buy real estate!In front of Zaizen Takashi, the arch nemesis Fujita Shinji reappeared and the second of the three investment competition started! This time, their battle is about “real estate investment”! With a starting capital of fifty million yen, they must purchase one property in the city of Tokyo within a day! The investing genius Tsukahara Tamenosuke will be the judge of their battle. Who could become the connoisseur and find a high valued, potentially profitable property? Sparks flying battle in the giant metropolis begins in volume 14!