Whisper Me a Love Song Volume 5

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What do you do when your friends just can’t get along with each other?

Himari and Yori are settling into their relationship, but there’s still tension in the air—tension, that is, between SSGIRLS and Lorelei, the band Shiho joined after she acrimoniously quit SSGIRLS. Aki remains bent on finding out exactly why Shiho left so abruptly and angrily, but she doesn’t always ask in the most delicate way—and Shiho doesn’t seem interested in opening up. When Shiho and Himari unexpectedly bump into each other, Shiho shares a bit of her hidden past. It gives Himari an idea, but will it help heal the rift between the two former friends, or make things even worse?
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Total 8 Volumes

Title Information

Genre:Girls Love
Publisher:Kodansha USA Publishing LLC
Series:Whisper Me a Love Song Series
Distribution Date:Sep 9, 2024
Publication Date: