A Devotion That Changes Worlds Volume 3

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Although their romance is full of contradictions, androphobic high school student, Yoh Amano, has finally started her relationship with the guitar craftsman, Kei Tonoda. However, the dark memories of her attempted assault three years ago still linger in her heart. Yoh suffers an anxiety attack when she finds out that Tonoda has to leave to help with the new store, which is located near the park where she was attacked!! This creates a bigger void between the two…! And now, Yoh’s younger brother, Shuuhei, is getting involved as well! The wheels of their relationship have begun to spin even faster!
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Total 8 Volumes|Completed

Title Information

Publisher:Futabasha Publishers LTD.
Series:A Devotion That Changes Worlds Series
Distribution Date:Jul 24, 2024
Publication Date:

By the same author