Caring for Yaya Suo is now one of Ichigo Hinamori's daily chores-not that she hates it, though! Ichigo gets to see a side of the class princess that no one else knows about. Plus, her beloved Yaya senpai relies on her-to bandage her cuts, pick out her clothes…and help her out of the many holes she digs herself in trying to help others. Then, the school's no. 2 student and self-proclaimed rival to Yaya-Reiko Ijuin-appears, determined to take Yaya down. But if anyone can cut through Reiko's prickly act, it's Ichigo. After all, she's a natural when it comes to spoiling stressed upperclassmen.
Caring for Yaya Suo is now one of Ichigo Hinamori's daily chores-not that she hates it, though! Ichigo gets to see a side of the class princess that no one else knows about. Plus, her beloved Yaya senpai relies on her-to bandage her cuts, pick out her clothes…and help her out of the many holes she digs herself in trying to help others. Then, the school's no. 2 student and self-proclaimed rival to Yaya-Reiko Ijuin-appears, determined to take Yaya down. But if anyone can cut through Reiko's prickly act, it's Ichigo. After all, she's a natural when it comes to spoiling stressed upperclassmen.