Lovely Muco! Volume 3

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Life isn't always easy in the serene mountains of Akita-but MUCO soldiers on!! With Mr. Komatsu's help, Muco the Iron Maiden faces a multitude of foes including typhoons, snoweater bugs, and a little girl named Rena...! Komatsu fans will also be treated to a peek at his days as a high school pitching ace! Will Ushiko's love life prosper? Will Muco ever grasp the scientific principles of the mysterious substance known as water? Will there ever be a cat in this book?! (Spoiler alert: not so far)
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Total 4 Volumes

Title Information

Genre:Slice of Life
Publisher:Kodansha USA Publishing LLC
Series:Lovely Muco! Series
Distribution Date:Sep 9, 2024
Publication Date: