GTO: 14 Days in Shonan Volume 5

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In the fifth volume of 14 Days in Shonan, Eikichi Onizuka the Great Teacher has a very unique assignment to take on. Normally he spends most of his time teaching teens life lessons. He uses the school of hard knocks technique to open people's hearts. However in this situation the GTO must make an effort to reunite a child with his mother. He must also teach the child that sometimes choosing family is not the right solution.

Everyone would like to have a happy household. Being able to sit by the dinner table to discuss the day's highlights is an ideal that is not reality for millions across the globe. And in the case of the teens at the White Swan such realities are generally fictitious because of a variety of reasons. That does not excuse anyone involved from wishing for such a life, but changing the hearts of adults often means changing their lives at their core. Words or fisticuffs will not be enough.

So Seiya, a young man, who appears to be on the way to a pleasant self-reliant life, turns to violence to try to get his mother and family life back. But what happens when your very own mother is willing to take a knife at you? Well this is Seiya's reality. And this is one lesson Onizuka will hate to have taught.

Then the spotlight turns to Onizuka's employer, Great Vice-Principal Uchiyamada. He's also in Shonan and on the hunt for Onizuka. But out of his element and turf, this educator is now caught up in a wild ride through the Tokyo suburbs.
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Total 9 Volumes

Title Information

Publisher:Kodansha USA Publishing LLC
Series:GTO: 14 Days in Shonan Series
Distribution Date:Sep 9, 2024
Publication Date: