With supplemental study materials and exam matrices, the “U of T Course” has introduced many new era exam prep skills.Sakuragi’s original English study method of daily tweets and video uploads on YouTube turned out to be “too much” for the students.On the other hand, the “Entrance Exam Problem Solving Course” that has promised to bring down the “U of T Course” has also had its share of tear-inducing drama, resulting in a new and powerful student-teacher duo…
With supplemental study materials and exam matrices, the “U of T Course” has introduced many new era exam prep skills.Sakuragi’s original English study method of daily tweets and video uploads on YouTube turned out to be “too much” for the students.On the other hand, the “Entrance Exam Problem Solving Course” that has promised to bring down the “U of T Course” has also had its share of tear-inducing drama, resulting in a new and powerful student-teacher duo…