Rave Master

Author:Hiro Mashima
Publisher:Kodansha USA Publishing LLC
Sometimes, Haru feels like he doesn't have a purpose. Sometimes, he feels like he'll never leave the island he lives on, the island of Garage. But, when fate comes a knockin', he answers the cry. There's this evil called Dark Bring, it's wielded by Demon Card. They're using this power to take over the world. Only one thing can stop it - the four missing rave stones. And now, Haru will find them wherever they lie. He doesn't ever want to feel that he's let his people down. He'll journey all around the world, all the way to Hip Hop Town. Yeah! The all-powerful Dark Stone - a magical stone and ruler of the dark side - awakens after a 50-year respite. When it falls into the hands of the evil Demon Card, the world is in terrible danger. A sacred sword called Rave and its master Shiba are the only defense against the Dark Stone & No. 30196; evil powers. Yet, Shiba loses control over Rave after he is mortally attacked by a Demon Card assassin. With the dark side looming, a boy called Haru may be the world's single hope of revitalizing Rave and escaping the clutches of evil.
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Sale end date:Mar 10, 2025 11:59 PM (PDT)

Total 35 Volumes

Rave Master Volume 5

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Rave Master Volume 4

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Rave Master Volume 3

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Rave Master Volume 2

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Rave Master Volume 1

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