xxxHOLiC Rei Volume 4

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FAMILIAR FACES After fulfilling his promise to Syaoran, Watanuki returns to the shop, wher e cus tomer reques t s continue to roll in one af ter another. But satisf ying customers isn’t the only thing on Watanuki’s mind—there’s still the mystery of the strange slab of amber, as well as the overwhelming sense of nostalgia that continues to plague him as more requests come in. And while Watanuki tries his best to grant all the wishes before him, his abilities as a shopkeeper are soon put to the test in a different way, determined by the outcome of a single choice…
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Total 4 Volumes

Title Information

Publisher:Kodansha USA Publishing LLC
Series:xxxHOLiC Rei Series
Distribution Date:Sep 9, 2024
Publication Date: