GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka Volume 1

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Meet Eikichi Onizuka, a 22-year-old virgin and ex-biker. He's crude, foul-mouthed, and has a split-second temper. His goal: to be the Greatest High School Teacher in the world! Onizuka may think he's the toughest guy on campus, but when he meets his class full of bullies, blackmailers and scheming sadists, he'll have to prove it.

This content is from a former localization of this work and may contain phrases or scenes which were and are still offensive. Rather than omit this content, we have decided to present it in its original form to harbor conversation and growth among the community. Kodansha remains committed to the distribution of compelling stories worldwide, which serve as a lens through which we may view various communities.
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Total 25 Volumes

Title Information

Publisher:Kodansha USA Publishing LLC
Series:GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka Series
Distribution Date:Sep 9, 2024
Publication Date: